What are the reasons for the failure of investment in children's parks, have you stepped into a trap?

What are the reasons for the failure of investment in children's parks, have you stepped into a trap?

What are the reasons for the failure of investment in children's parks, have you stepped into a trap?
Especially the last point, it has killed most shop owners.

1. It is believed that children's playgrounds are simply playgrounds where they can buy tickets and play freely. With the increasing market competition, traditional children's playgrounds are gradually being phased out, and incorporating education into entertainment has become a trend. The rich content of operational activities allows children to learn various skills, such as physical fitness, courage, social skills, rules, and so on, while playing.
2. It is believed that children do not understand the quality of equipment and only buy some cheap products. In fact, children are the first to experience, and only fun and enjoyable amusement projects can retain their hearts. Therefore, investing more in the early stage can not only increase the profits in the later stage.

3. Buy whatever device is novel. On the surface, there may seem to be no problem with this, but it actually violates the taboo of opening a store. The selection of equipment and investment budget for children's parks depends on the location of your venue, and the positioning must be accurate. The above are common reasons for investment failures in children's parks. If you are interested in children's parks, please follow me to learn more about the children's park industry knowledge.