The common operating problems of beginners in children's playgrounds should not be ignored

The common operating problems of beginners in children's playgrounds should not be ignored

In recent years, with the development of the economy and the increasing importance placed on children by society and families, the proportion of children's consumption in household expenses has been increasing year by year. The children's consumption market has a huge scale, and the children's industry is also in full swing. As one of the segmented markets, children's parks always maintain huge development space and potential, and are also essential for children, guarding their colorful childhood. As a result, the children's playground market continues to attract entrepreneurs from all walks of life. Although it is not difficult to operate a children's playground, practical operation can leave many people at a loss, especially many beginners who have taken many detours!

1、 Not valuing market research, relying solely on intuition
The market must run, don't be lazy! Don't rely solely on your own intuition, don't let me think, but let the market think! In the early stage, it is necessary to conduct market research, which has a significant impact on the scale, location selection, equipment selection, ticket pricing, and later operational strategies of children's parks. The more detailed the market research, the more favorable it will be for the later operation of children's parks.

2、 Wrong site selection, efforts may be in vain
When opening a store and doing business, everyone knows the importance of location selection. After all, the location of the store determines the flow of customers entering the store and the category of consumers entering the store. Remember, a high foot traffic does not necessarily mean good business. It is important to consider whether these people have a demand for your amusement park, as well as the match between foot traffic and the target audience of the children's amusement park. It is necessary to make judgments based on preliminary market research, not subjective judgments, and not rely solely on one's own intuition!

3、 Blind selection of equipment without comprehensive consideration
The operation of children's playgrounds and amusement equipment are extremely important protagonists. There are many types of children's playground equipment, each with its own characteristics. When choosing playground equipment, it is important to choose high-quality and safe equipment, which is also one of the hardware conditions for the long-term profitable development of the amusement park. In addition, the main audience of children's playgrounds is children, and parents pay the bill. Therefore, amusement equipment should be suitable for children's age group, meet their preferences, and be accepted by parents. Creativity and personalization are essential, and of course, safety and playability cannot be lost.

4、 Low service quality and poor experience
As a representative of experiential consumption, children's playground sells not only products, but also services! Therefore, if your store location and product offerings are not a problem, but the customer flow in the store is still low, then you need to consider whether there are problems with daily services. Service can be said to be the face of a store. If there is a problem with the service, then the store's business must not be good. Even if it is popular for a while, it will not last long.