What are the issues to pay attention to when opening a children's playground in the community!

What are the issues to pay attention to when opening a children's playground in the community!

As one of the entertainment oriented industries, children's parks have always been loved by parents and children. In addition to being recognized by many consumers, they are also favored by investors. Choosing to open a children's playground in a residential or residential area has many advantages, such as small initial investment, guaranteed customer sources, and distance advantages. So what are the issues to pay attention to when opening a children's playground in the community?

1、 Conduct preliminary market research
The selection of children's playground venues is crucial. If considering opening a children's playground in the community, there are two things to pay attention to:
(1). It is best to choose several community centers, so that business can be done well in several communities.
(2). Before entering the community, it is necessary to investigate whether the community is predominantly elderly or young? Are there many children at home? What is the housing price and location of the community like? What is the consumption level of households entering the community, and so on.

Due to the relatively stable customer base in the community, the distance from children's home to the community children's playground is less than 10 minutes, which means they can play freely in the park at any time. Parents often take their children to the amusement park to play, so the frequency of consumption in the amusement park will be higher. If the staff encourages parents to apply for membership cards and introduces them to the benefits and privileges of membership cards, I believe many parents will be willing to apply, which can increase sales and quickly recover funds.

2、 Understand customer needs
To open a children's playground in the community, it is necessary to grasp the needs of customers, which is also the key to determining whether the children's playground can operate for a long time. For example, what are the needs of parents? What do children prefer to play with? How to provide their favorite amusement projects and so on. Only by accurately understanding customer needs can we provide parents and children with a better gaming experience. Community children's parks should have more opportunities to chat with customers, better understand the needs of children or parents, and make targeted improvements and improvements.

3、 Provide personalized services
Due to many families visiting the community children's playground every day, children can play here and parents can rest assured. However, if only a single entertainment service is provided, it may appear somewhat monotonous. In order to expand children's services, it is possible to consider providing temporary childcare services in the amusement park, so that parents can safely take care of their children in the park for 1-2 hours when they are unable to take care of them temporarily. By providing value-added convenience services, we can provide more convenience for the lives of surrounding residents and also win the favor of customers.