How to increase customer stickiness in children's playgrounds

How to increase customer stickiness in children's playgrounds

As a popular industry in the current market, children's playgrounds have significant advantages. In today's rapidly growing economy, almost every shopping mall cannot do without amusement parks, and most of them are very popular. It is evident that there is a huge market for children's playgrounds, as walking children and taking photos are essential. For investors, the revenue of children's parks is the most important, and the quality of revenue largely depends on the operation and management of children's parks. How to ensure the stability and profitability of pedestrian flow in children's parks? How to increase customer stickiness in children's parks?

1、 High quality environment
The first impression in human interaction is very important. When customers first visit the amusement park, they will rate the park in their minds for comparison. If they cannot reach a good score, they will directly rate the park and basically no longer consider second consumption. Therefore, operators should regularly replace their amusement equipment to maintain novelty. Regularly check whether the amusement equipment has safety issues such as loose screws, and always keep the park clean and tidy. Only in this way can customers be attracted and cultivate loyal customers.

2、 High quality service
For children's playgrounds, sometimes it's better to do good advertising than to do good service. Thoughtful service can increase customer satisfaction. So operators need to ensure the quality of park services. The so-called service quality refers to the quality of staff service, including professional skills, polite language, smiling service, enthusiastic attitude, and humanized service. On the premise of respecting tourists, fully mobilize their gaming enthusiasm, and achieve the effect of tourists forgetting themselves. Cultivate customer loyalty to children's playgrounds and encourage them to visit frequently.

3、 Preferential membership system
The membership system is a marketing tool for the amusement park to establish connections with customers and increase stickiness, and it has a significant effect on improving customer stickiness. Therefore, park operators can regularly organize a recommended discounted membership system and develop discounted price programs that are only open to members. Recommend customers to establish membership relationships through discounts, fun competitions, events, etc., in order to facilitate customer repeat purchases and increase return rates.

The development of indoor children's parks in our country is gradually booming, and traditional children's parks are far from meeting the rapid development of today's society. More parents and friends prioritize children's parks that can provide entertainment and learning for their children. Therefore, for today's vast market, everyone will not easily miss it. If you also want to start a business and open an amusement park, you can operate it through franchise brands, and Dillon is a trustworthy brand. Disneyland Children's Park has a professional operation team that provides full assistance and support from site selection, store decoration to post operation, making it easy for every entrepreneur to win at the starting line!