Come on! Let's work together on speed and passion

Come on! Let's work together on speed and passion

Can children exercise their courage by playing go karts? You can give it a try to step on the accelerator and experience the speed and passion of a go kart. With this sense of pleasure, you can experience the joy of driving and the simple and unadorned sense of energy. For novices who don't know how to go kart, Dillery provides some basic strategies here!

If it's a right angle bend, how do you turn? This is the most common bend, which requires slowing down the car's speed at the end of the straight, before the right angle bend, and then finding the appropriate braking point. Before entering the bend, close to the outside while collecting fuel. When the go kart drops to the appropriate speed, quickly turn the steering wheel and continue moving forward. You can still play without passing subject two, it's simple, easy, and easy to learn.
If encountering an S-bend, it is necessary to walk in a straight line as much as possible. Before entering the bend, it is important to stay close to the outside of the track and release the accelerator. When turning, it is important to stay close to the center of the bend and not step on the accelerator to prevent the go-kart from losing balance due to unstable center of gravity. After taking the last turn, try to maintain the same direction as the body posture as much as possible, so that you can step on the accelerator and exit the turn at the fastest speed, or overtake quickly. Di Le Ni reminds players to focus their attention while driving!
If encountering U-shaped curves, it is a great test of the driver's reaction ability. When passing U-shaped curves, it is necessary to focus on the entering speed, which means braking later. If the angle when entering the curve increases, the angle when exiting the curve needs to be smaller. And at this point, it is necessary to slow down the speed of the turning center, which is more conducive to refueling and exiting the turn.
If encountering an R-shaped curve, it is the most difficult curve in the entire go kart field. It is composed of three types of curves. After taking the first or second curve, turn it into a single route or two or three curves, and look at multiple curves as one without looking too far. It is necessary to focus on each current curve, reduce the overall speed in a parabolic way, and then accelerate out of the curve.

Have you mastered the above skills for playing go karts? If you have any further questions, please feel free to consult the official Di Le Ni backend. Let's unlock more exciting and fun projects together!