Experience of Successful Indoor Children's Parks and Issues to Conside

Experience of Successful Indoor Children's Parks and Issues to Conside

s is well known, running an indoor children's playground is not as simple as imagined, and successful management requires consideration of many aspects. Firstly, it is necessary to have a correct business philosophy. As an indoor children's playground, we should consider the issue from the perspective of children and parents, whether it meets their consumption requirements and whether it has sufficient attractiveness. The richness, safety, and scientificity of the amusement park may all be factors that parents consider. Similarly, it is necessary to improve one's own level, as a good environment and high-quality service are necessary factors for business success. Di Le Ni will share with you a detailed analysis of the management of indoor children's parks from various perspectives:

1、 Indoor children's playground positioning and venue selection
Investing in indoor children's parks is a costly project, and in order to recover costs and profits in a short period of time, it requires long-term planning. The entire process, from market research in the early stage of investment to operation in the later stage, requires a lot of effort. The evaluation and budget in the early stage of investment are crucial for any project, and are the key to the success or failure of the project. The age group of the target audience for opening an indoor children's playground should be determined, whether they are 2-6 years old and have not attended school or have just entered school. Secondly, the land area of the amusement park should be considered comprehensively. If it is too small, it may affect long-term operation in the future. It is necessary to carefully evaluate based on one's own financial situation. Once again, it is important to compare and analyze which children's playground equipment to invest in. An electric indoor children's playground with limited age range and high cost, but conducive to parent-child interaction, high safety and hygiene factors, and an open environment that gives people a bright feeling. Meanwhile, the choice of venue is also crucial. Assess the pedestrian flow and commercial prospects around the venue in advance, and consider choosing to be located near large shopping centers, shopping malls, supermarkets, large communities, etc., where popularity determines revenue. In addition, for the selection of equipment manufacturers for children's playgrounds, it is best to conduct on-site inspections at the manufacturers to see their operating conditions and site scale, and then to evaluate their production reputation, delivery status, and after-sales service quality.
2、 Reasonable pricing and positioning of indoor children's playgrounds
Many venue operators face a challenge: they are afraid that no one will play if they charge too much, and the fees are cheap and the return on investment is slow. It is understood that there is no unified reference price for the charging standards of children's playground equipment, and specific calculations should be based on local consumption levels and parents' attitudes and investments towards children. In the process of operation, there may be different types of tickets with different specifications, such as single ticket (buy one ticket after playing), monthly package, and annual package. You can first visit the market to see the market situation.

3、 Post operation and promotion of indoor children's playground
A good indoor children's playground must have its own characteristics in order to sustain long-term operation. It must have a keen market insight, understand children's needs, and enable them to constantly accept new things while playing, helping their mental development. In terms of promotion, cooperation and interaction with institutions related to children's nature can be considered, and a membership file for the amusement park can be established for better service and promotion in the future. The most important thing is to highlight personalization. Currently, there are many children's entertainment venues in the market. If a new type of children's playground wants to attract customers in a short period of time, it must use innovative equipment and visually impactful products to attract children's attention.
4、 High quality service of indoor children's playground
A personalized indoor children's playground will be specially designed to attract children, while also finding ways to make parents willing to send their children to play. Therefore, the first thing to do is to do a good physical health check for children before entering, and the main item is to test their body temperature. This will give parents a sense of security and make them feel that the health and hygiene conditions in the amusement park are good. Secondly, parents should be given sufficient rest space, and even consider installing several computer desks and providing free WIFI internet services. This way, parents who accompany their children will have something to do and will feel that the amusement park's services are more humane. In addition, paid care services can also be provided, such as equipping 1-2 preschool teachers. Parents can rest assured to place their children in indoor children's playgrounds when they need to go out, charged by the hour. These preschool teachers can also provide free parent-child guidance for their children and parents on site.